Hi, I’m Chelsea.
I’m in the people business. I just happen to sell houses.
Before selling real estate, I studied copywriting at a boutique advertising school in the Bay Area. I moved into the recruitment world for ad agencies and got what I thought was my dream job for a global PR firm as their West Coast recruiter in San Francisco. It turns out, I’m not very corporate, but I did really love wine. So I moved to Napa to sell luxury wine to the top 1%. This job was amazingly fun - but I was called to follow my heart back home to Arizona, where I am happily rooted.
I started my real estate career with the 72SOLD program and have never looked back. My success is truly owed to the powerful selling strategies I learned through this program that I apply to my luxury home sales for a strategic, proven way to sell homes faster and for more money. I believe the way I sell homes is in better service to my clients, which is - in my opinion - the only thing that matters.
My clients, their fiduciary, and their goals are my number one business priority and I believe that shows in every transaction I’m a part of.
In between selling real estate, I’m a mom, a sourdough bread baker, and yes, I still love wine. I am blessed with one very cute son, Wyatt, and one very handsome husband, Corey.